Our Location

Sydney Art Space is a fluid teaching space, with a north facing orientation that sees the space filled with natural light and warmth in winter. There is a kitchenette with tea making facilities, an front courtyard and a toilet. It is well positioned at Onespace, 63 Bassett Street, Mona Vale, Sydney, and if travelling by public transport, easily accessed by the B1 or the 199 as the bus stop is a short walk away from either Mona Vale village or Bassett Street!


Mona Vale is the thriving lifestyle, business and light industrial hub of the Northern Beaches that offers many shopping centres and cafes. Parking is available in surrounding streets and opposite Sydney Art Space in Pittwater Place where there is 3 hour undercover free parking. There is a drop off zone out the front of Onespace to drop and pick up children for their courses. There is parking out front for adults attending coursework.

Sydney Art Space:

Onespace, 63 Bassett St, Mona Vale, 2103

Email: info@sydneyartspace.com
